Building a NodeJs full stack app from scratch for beginners. Part 0.Many people tend to think that coding is hard basically when it comes to building a full stack web application, that involves interacting…Apr 2, 2019Apr 2, 2019
Stepping out of my comfort zone.Surely if you are interested in software development, by now you must have seen those adverts everywhere about Andela fellowship and how…Jan 23, 2019Jan 23, 2019
My journey & ExperienceBecoming a developer is one thing and becoming a world-class developer is another thing. I want to embark you on my journey to becoming a…Jan 17, 2019Jan 17, 2019
Beyond coding…!When I think of Facebook, Instagram and other complex systems like in my Rwandan case, it raises questions in me about…Jan 16, 2019Jan 16, 2019
Value-guided Software developmentAt first when you think of software development, it is a concept for very smart people and it only involves writing code, deploying…Jan 15, 2019Jan 15, 2019
Learning is a continuous process…If you are reading this! And I talk about the Andela boot camp, it is obvious that I didn’t get into the fellowship but rather asked to…Jan 14, 2019Jan 14, 2019
Keeping up with what seems to be hard…When I got into Andela Bootcamp one week ago, I had to break my comfort zone as I was constantly supposed to submit a deliverable that I…Nov 27, 2018Nov 27, 2018
Through the tunnelIt’s been 4 days now at Andela bootcamp! the experience? It’s been hard … very hard. Before meeting Andela, I didn’t know much about…Nov 22, 2018Nov 22, 2018